Environmental, Social & Governance

Our Commitment

We are committed to operating to the highest possible standards, making a positive impact on the lives of people living near to our project areas, & minimising our impact on the environment.

We are in constant communication with local communities, holding general assemblies at Sanankoro to address questions from local people about a range of issues, including how best to support local people. To this end, we are actively involved in programmes focused on alternative livelihoods, healthcare, & education within the vicinity of its operations.

We also continually seek to minimise our carbon footprint & in early 2020 began rolling out a programme of hybrid power generation across our field camps.

In July 2022,  we submitted an Environmental & Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) to the authorities &, in October 2022, an Environmental Permit was awarded for the Sanankoro Gold Project. This permit recognises the high standards set for Cora as Sanankoro moves towards development, with all environmental work being completed in alignment with the International Finance Corporation Performance Standards.

Cora's CEO, Bert Monro, commented:

“The Cora team in West Africa & wider remain as committed as ever to supporting the local communities near our assets. I believe that the work we have done, combined with our current initiatives are impacting the lives of local people near Sanankoro.

“The Environmental & Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), conducted in compliance with Malian regulations for Environmental Permitting & following recognised global industry standards, such as the International Finance Corporation Performance Standards, reflects Cora's dedication to achieving high standards & collaborating with our local communities. Our aim is to achieve the best possible results for all stakeholders involved in the advancement of the Sanankoro Gold Project.

“I am confident that Cora’s presence in West Africa is a positive one. From financing the construction of a new well in the village of Dako providing clean water to villagers, to donating to a health centre & providing solar powered electricity to the village of Sanankoro. The support of local communities remains critical to our ability to deliver a successful project & our engagement, & collaboration with all stakeholders will remain a key pillar of our business to further strengthen the relationships we currently have.”

Community Development

Cora works closely with local communities, contributing to their development, including:

  • establishing kitchen gardens creating fresh produce for subsistence & sale;
  • providing equipment for a local health centre & cleaning equipment for the village;
  • donating teaching materials for a local school plus medicine for their community clinic; &
  • financing a new water well at the Dako Community village garden.